Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Today is a very special day, today 26 years ago I married my bestfriend, my soulmate, my one and only. I know everyone says that but in my case it's true. I look back now and yes we were young, crazy and in love. Along the way we have raised our children and have been privileged to have many friends, some are far away and we have lost touch, but all of them hold a special place in our hearts. They are part of who we are today. Our adventure continues and as my husband says our time together has been LEGEN... WAIT FOR IT... DARY!!
Thursday, June 11, 2015
51 Days!
Reality Hits
Yes, reality is hitting us and I mean not just me THE CONTROLLING MOM but my husband as well. A couple of weeks ago, Arthur realized his little girl was married and moving far away. It was a cute moment, a little funny considering that she has been married 9 months. This past month, we took our first vacation alone in 25 years, it was great, we had a wonderful time, but it was bittersweet. Yesterday, I had MY MOMENT and asked my husband do you want to move to Alaska? His immediate response is "Are you crazy?" and just like that he brought be back to my senses. It passed, just a sentimental, hormonal moment.
My son has been away now for almost 5 years and my daughter 9 months but they are both driving distance away if I get desperate. That will change and thus a new stage in our lives begin...Tuesday, June 9, 2015
54 Days!
Route and Itinerary
Planning began... simple so we thought, leave Saturday, Aug. 1 take about two weeks, we had no deadline Raleigh- Wasilla, my husband and I would fly back around the 18th or 19th no rush but FIRST adjustment, we have Pioneer School starting August 17, we have to be back in NC by Sunday, August 16 (No Problem) Now we WERE leaving on Saturday, August 1 in the morning but then a SECOND adjustment, Rosbel has Pioneer School the last week of July, ending August 1 thus we changed our departure date to Sunday, August 2(No worries). We would head up north through Chicago, stop at Mount Rushmore, Glacier National Park and a few other natural landmarks BUT as customary with our road trips nothing is ever that simple. THIRD adjustment, we receive the wonderful news that my nephew is getting married on Sunday, August 2 in Boston (No problem). A minor detour has to be worked in much to the complaint of ...(we will leave the complainer nameless), we now must leave on Saturday evening to arrive on time to the 11:00 am wedding in Boston. We will drive all night, attend the wedding, tour Boston.
So far, we have traced our route Raleigh- Boston- Niagara Falls- Toledo- Sioux Falls- Mount Rushmore- Glacier National Park- Banff National Park- Jasper National Park- Wasilla. We still have to sort out some kinks. As you can see, we will be hiking and doing everything naturey(yes I know its not a word). Those of you who know me well can appreciate how much I LOVE the outdoors(note the sarcasm). At least, being in NC has prepared me a bit for this adventure. I don't even mind eating outdoors too much anymore (can you believe it). We still have to add a couple of stops between Canada and Alaska but more research is required. Any suggestions are welcome, nothing is set in stone yet. So here it is our first draft of our road trip!
97 hours so far! |
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Friday, June 5, 2015
57 Days and Counting!
How it all began...
Where did Kristy & Rosbel come up with the idea of Alaska? Let me start at the beginning, after our Zone Visit in October my daughter tells me they loved the clip on Alaska and they are moving there when their lease is up on July 31,2015. And that was it, the decision was made and the planning would begin(on their part). Sounds crazy but pretty normal in our family. Preparations began, they purchased AWD vehicles, they began or better said Kristy began to reduce her wardrobe and purse collection,( she is a pretty good Ebay seller). They contacted some friends in Wasilla and thus it slowly began. It became a reality to us(parents) this past May when they went to visit and took two luggages full of clothing to leave behind if they liked it, and they did(thanks Ray and Jessica). Everyone's next question is, are you moving also? No, or as my husband would say KALE NO! We are not young and crazy we are old and boring! We know our roots, we are from the Caribbean where it is hot and steamy. Now, for the next step itinerary and schedule...
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Ray & Jessica (the culprits) |
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Countdown to Road Trip to Alaska- 58 Days-(Yes! Road Trip!)
Where do I begin? I have decided to chronicle this small adventure our family is going to experience partly for fun, partly for therapeutic reasons. My daughter and her husband have decided to move to Alaska. Everyone's initial reaction is Alaska? Really?
Yes, really, and as loving, altruistic parents we are going to help them move and are joining their road trip in August. Honestly, I just want to make sure they make it alive.
Of course we have mixed feelings, we have always encouraged our children to expand their ministry and help out where the need is great but Alaska? Really? Joking aside we are very proud of their decision. So the preparations have begun, and our journey is being planned by two controlling, neurotic women( my daughter and I). I will chronicle the details of our planning, how this insane idea came about, and our road trip planning. Let the adventure begin! or at least the planning, and that is half the fun!
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